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7 Tips To Help Make Your Dog Like Baths

May 24, 2018 0 comments
7 Tips To Help Make Your Dog Like Baths

If your dog hates wash time, it’s quite a challenge to get your dog into a bathtub. Most likely, getting your dog into the bathtub takes longer than the actual bath.

Honestly, it becomes a struggle that just doesn’t seem like it’s worth all the effort. You probably find yourself delaying your dog’s wash until the last possible moment: in the effort to avoid making your sweet pup miserable.

But, your dog’s wash time doesn’t have to seem so unpleasant. In fact, you can change your dog’s thoughts about wash time through using a couple of easy tips:

Tip 1: Before Giving Them a Bath, Go on a Walk

Dogs love to walk down the street and show their stuff. You can use this to your advantage by getting them tired and exhausted. This will make a wash seem like a good way to cool down. Another added benefit is a walk will make them less likely to put up a fight. Naturally, the walk will drain all your dog’s energy and take away their ability to hide under the bed or run away.

Likewise, the walk will tap into your dog’s natural instinct of enjoying going into the water when exhausted. Basically, you’re using their love of walks to ease them into the idea of baths being a good thing.

Tip 2: Take Your Time

If you try to get the wash done quickly, it will just make your dog more unwilling. They’ll become nervous and anxious about why you’re in such a cranky mood.  

Ideally, you should carve out a block of time that will allow you to give your dog a proper wash. It’s important to not get frustrated and just pour a bucket of water on them and be done. It’s a good idea to take a couple of moments and relax. If you’re relaxed, it’s more likely your dog will be too. Nothing good comes out of you screaming for them to get in the tub.  Yelling will just make this process that much harder.

Tip 3: Find the Perfect Temperature of Water

Dogs don’t perceive temperature the same as humans; therefore, what feels okay to you might not be okay with your dog. In any case, it’s important you don’t shock your dog’s system with too hot or too cold of water. The trick is to use warm water, but not scolding hot.

Most importantly, take into account the circumstances leading up to your dog’s wash. If your dog’s coming in from a long walk on a hot summer day, make sure the water is colder than usual. Likewise, for dogs coming in from a walk on a cold winter day, make sure the water is warmer than usual.

Tip 4: Buy a Bathing Mat

Your dog’s paws are extremely susceptible to slipping in the bathtub. See, dogs’ paws grip surfaces rather than stand on them like humans. This makes it quite difficult for them to balance on slippery surfaces like you would find in the bathtub. The easiest way to make sure your dog feels secure in the bathtub is buying a bathing mat. These mats have suction cups able to help your dog feel balanced and comfortable in the bathtub.

As well as providing traction, a bath mat will help get rid of bacteria and dirt through being so easily washed. Moreover, a bath mat will protect your bath against scratches from your dog’s nails. If you don’t want to buy a bath mat, putting down a towel will offer your dog a similar sense of security: a dog feeling secure is more likely to accept you washing them.

Tip 5: Find the Right Delivery System

Some dogs aren’t too fond of shower heads. Others don’t enjoy the sounds of running water or find the thing covering them with water scary. Regardless, it’s key to find the right water delivery system for your dog’s wash. Thankfully, there are several options available for your dog’s needs. For example, you could use a pitcher that usually used for small children. This option allows you to control where the water goes and how much pours out during your dog’s wash.

Another option is a pet shower sprayer. This product will allow you to slow down the water pressure on sensitive areas like your dog’s tail or face. In addition, you can speed up the water pressure on dirty areas like the legs or back.  Here’s a great example of this product.

In the end, it’s all about finding the right delivery system to make sure your dog’s comfortable inside the bathtub.

Tip 6: Don’t Use a Hair Dryer

After giving their dog a wash, many dog owners will try using a hair dryer on their dogs. It’s a quick, effective way of making sure your dog doesn’t get water all over the house. Also, seeing your dog all puffed up is quite adorable.

But, for some dogs, being blasted with a hair dryer is something they truly loathe.  The loud noise mixed with the high level of heat coming from the hair dryer is scary to them. It’s probably the reason you find it hard to coax them into the bathtub.

If your dog’s afraid of the hair dryer, try using a towel to dry them off. A good towel will do the same job as a hair dryer with the added benefit of keeping your dog from being terrified.

Tip 7: Provide an Example

Often, dogs learn behaviors from other dogs. If they see another dog having a great time getting a wash, they’re more likely to enjoy it themselves. So, enlist the help of a friend’s dog who loves getting a dog wash to help your dog relax about getting bathed.

Disclaimer: Before trying this out, let the dogs meet to ensure they get along. After all, you don’t want your dog to get jealous of you have fun with another dog.

After reading about these seven tips, you should have learned enough to make your dog love their washes.  Remember, you just need to make them comfortable inside the bathtub.

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